Introduction to photography +;lighting workshop

We began photography by being sent off to the library to find three images that we invoked a memory in us. This was to help us begin to understand the process of research and how it was important to go looking for inspiration. After we had found the images we then had to present them to the whole class and explain what significant they had for us. I photocopied the cover the 'Polar Express' DVD, a pictures of some brownies from a cookbook and a picture of a book shelf. I have written an explanation for why I chose each of these pictures in my sketchbook.
Image result for brownies Image result for library

After a brief introduction from Othello and Alys about their recent projects we were given a general overview on how to use the settings on our cameras before being sent out to try and take some photos. This was particularly useful for me as unlike the majority of my peers I don't know much about photography.  With practice I should hopefully get the hang of understanding how these settings work and how I can use them to produce the images that I want to.

ISO-sensitivily to light (same  as film speed
Shutter speed-the amount of time the shutter is open at a given setting (can control if you want blurry picture)
Aperture- the amount of light let into the lens and can control depth of field.
We then got into groups and took some pictures and tried to take one showing each technique that we had just learnt.

 example of aperture 

 example of shutter speed

 example of low ISO

The next day we had a lighting workshop where we learnt to use the LED panels,Softboxes and flash. Along with how to use the lights we had to learn how to set our cameras when using the lights e.g lowering the ISO when using stronger lights so that the images doesn't look washed out because the lens is letting in too much light.

Image with flash

Softbox-used to light faces inn portraiture

LED Light


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